<aside> 💡 Below are your resources for supporting the #SíAlYasuní (#YesToYasuní ) campaign


🇪🇨 Mission

You have the chance to help safeguard Earth's most biodiverse forests and protect the lives and livelihoods of the Taromenane, Tagaere and Dugakaeri tribes.

Yasuní National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon is a unique region, recognized as the most biodiverse place on Earth. It's also home to Indigenous tribes who remain in voluntary isolation: the Taromenane, Tagaere and Dugakaeri. These and other Indigenous groups have ancestral rights, and a deep connection to, the land, and play a crucial role in protecting all of its unique inhabitants. But this irreplaceable ecosystem is threatened by big oil. After decades of exploitation, Indigenous communities are at risk of genocide and the unique biodiversity that calls the region home is under threat.

🟢 On August 20th, Ecuador will hold a historic referendum to determine the future of Yasuní. This presents a unique opportunity to protect a critical parcel of this unique place and set a global precedent by leaving oil untapped and underground. It's a concrete action in response to the related climate and nature crises and a chance to support local and indigenous communities.


✏️ Social Posting Options

Please post as many of the following social media messages as possible.




♻️ Reposting Options

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